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How To Make Your Veggie Burger Tastier

By: Hashtags Burgers

Published: September 22, 2021

7 Ways to Upgrade Your Veggie Burger

When getting a veggie burger at your local dining place, is it a start to committing to a healthier lifestyle? 

The ingredients used to make a veggie burger can vary. Most veggie burgers come from whole grains, vegetables and legumes which are excellent sources of fibre and other vitamins and minerals good for your health. However, store-bought veggie burgers may contain high amounts of sodium, especially in some brands.

So, how can you tell what is the best veggie burger? Let’s look at a few facts about the veggie burger and see what makes it healthy, the best buns for a veggie burger and probably even the best veggie burger recipe that you’ll find interesting!

How Veggie Burgers Can Impact Everyone’s Lives

At least 1 in every 3 Australians are now switching from meat products to vegan foods. It’s an excellent alternative, especially for those who feel highly concerned about animal welfare. Eating plant-based foods can also help reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart ailments and stroke.

People who prefer plant-based meals have 20% lower body weight than meat lovers, making them less likely to become obese. So, every time you choose meals like veggie burgers, you’re also choosing the best source of nutrition for your body.

But what’s more important is that consuming vegan foods helps protect animals from the cruelty that would otherwise cause them pain. Aside from eating the best veggie burger, other kinds of snacks can surely make your tummies rumble. You can check in with your local veggie burger outlets or even at your local supermarket to see if there are various selections of veggie burger patties that you can cook on your own.

7 Ways to Upgrade Your Veggie Burger

  • Use mushrooms
    • Remarkably, mushrooms have distinct yet similar qualities to meat, particularly regarding their taste and texture. Using mushrooms as an alternative to meat may catch meat lovers by surprise at how delicious they are. They also contain fibre and protein, especially when you add pinto beans into the recipe.
    • Cooking mushrooms is just as easy as cooking meat. All you need to do is sauté the mushrooms in onions as you mush the beans into a pulp, together with other herbs and spices. You can then fry them in a pan and serve them with the best buns for a veggie burger!
  • Add black beans
    • Most vegans would agree that the best veggie burger recipe out there often contains mashed beans mixed with onions and other spices. However, it isn’t highly suitable for the keto diet because it isn’t gluten-free. Fortunately, you can always consider doing hamburger rolls to get rid of the bread from the recipe.
  • Grill them
    • Another way of serving the best veggie burger is by grilling the mushrooms, especially portobello. Given that their shape and texture almost resemble meaty patties, most people often consider them as the best choice for vegan burgers.
    • You can grill the portobello mushrooms with onions until they become soft. You can then put them in an avocado sauce mixed with yogurt to give them some flavour. You can also add other veggies like zucchinis to make them even more delicious. Don’t forget to use the best buns for a veggie burger and serve with vegan chips.
  • Mash the tofu
    • Most people often look at tofu as a bland block of flavourless food. But if you look at it from a different perspective, tofu is more like a blank slate that you can turn into anything. To create the best veggie burger, all you need to do is turn the tofu into a pulp as you mix it with various herbs and spices together with wheat germ. Then, carefully shape them into patties as you fry them in a pan. 
    • You can also put your tofu patty on a grill or freeze them until you need them for lunch. It’ll also taste great if you add green wraps with vegan mayo for additional flavour.
  • Include beet
    • Beets are bright-red root vegetables that you can either consume in powder, whole or juice form. They are an excellent source of vitamin B9 which is essential in cell function and regeneration. Beets can also help alleviate the chances of developing heart ailments and even stroke. 
    • What’s great about adding beet into the mix is that it adds a little sweetness to the flavour whilst boosting its nutrition at the same time. You also don’t need to cook it either. All you need to do is cut that into quarters and put them in a blender together with black beans, eggs and cooked rice. You can also add cumin and shallots for an extra kick.
  • Mix in some spices
    • If you want to give your taste buds a bit of adventure, you can also consider adding a few spices to your veggie burger recipe. Adding cayenne pepper and ghost pepper sauce can undoubtedly add some kick to it, whilst adding breadcrumbs or an egg replacer can help you make a dense dough that you can either fry in a pan or grill.
    • After almost 30 minutes, you can then add your favourite guacamole and some salsa to make your burger. You can use pita bread as an alternative to the regular dough, too.
  • Have some TVP
    • Texturized vegetable protein, otherwise known as TVP, is an excellent meat alternative made from soy. What’s impressive about it is that it comes in various flavours and blends that’ll undoubtedly make anyone crave more. Most TVPs also uses one egg as a binder for all their ingredients. That’s why some would say that it’s suited for vegetarians but not vegan.

Choose a Healthier Version

Switching to veggie burgers can sometimes be challenging if you’re new to it. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll certainly never look back at those fat-loaded patties ever again. 

If you want to get a fantastic veggie burger, check out Hashtag Burgers and Waffles. You’ll love our I’m a Vego burger that’s made of beetroot patty. Get it now!

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